Exploring Yoga's Transformative Wisdom

Welcome to Yoga Philosophy 101, a fun and user-friendly video course designed to introduce you to the rich world of yoga philosophy. In this course, you will explore the fundamental principles of yoga and learn how they can apply to your daily life.

Join Darren Main and discover the wisdom of this ancient practice in a modern, accessible format.

What This Course Offers

Through the teachings of yoga philosophy, you learn to cultivate inner peace amidst life's challenges, finding strength in moments of adversity, and discovering the transformative potential within yourself to create positive change in the world.

  • >> The Eight Limbs of Yoga

  • >> The Psychology of Yoga

  • >> The Bhagavad Gita

  • >> The Yoga Sutras

  • >> Vedanta, Tantra and Samkhya Philosophy

  • >> The Philosophy of Hatha yoga

  • >> The History of Yoga

  • >> How to integrate yoga philosophy into your daily life

Course curriculum

    1. Yoga Defined

    2. Duality vs Non Duality

    3. The Vedas

    4. The Vedas | Summary and Suggested Reading

    1. Atman: The True Self

    2. Ahamkara: The Ego

    3. The Upanishads | Summary and Suggested Reading

    1. The Bhagavad Gita | Summary and Suggested Reading

    1. The Yoga Sutras: ]Summary and Translations

    1. Tantric Texts | Summary and Suggested Reading

    1. Ancient Hatha Yoga Texts | Summary and Suggested Reading

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content


Patrice Christensen

Really Informative, Engaging Class. The class structure was in the perfect-sized snack bites, and Darren's addition of meditation around the topics connected the mind and the body to the content. Highly recommended for those looking for an intro to Yoga Philosophy.

Brennan Claybaugh

Clarifying and Satisfying! Before taking this Yoga Philosophy 101 course, the history of yoga was a bit “muddy” to me, but now I am curious to learn more. I found this course to provide clarity, be thought provoking, and satisfying in both a simple and cerebral way. This course is where you can begin to connect-the-yoga-philosophy-dots and hopefully your curiosity to learn more will elevate too. I can’t wait for Yoga Philosophy 102.

The miracle of yoga is not that it enables us to do supernatural things, but rather to do that which is in our very nature

Meet Your Instructor

Meditation Teacher Darren Main

Darren Main is a seasoned meditation teacher and acclaimed author who has dedicated over three decades to the study and dissemination of mindfulness practices. With an approach deeply rooted in bridging the ancient tenets of meditation with modern living, he has empowered countless individuals to navigate the complexities of their lives with greater clarity, balance, and purpose. Through his books, workshops, and teachings, Darren continues to be a guiding force in the realm of mindfulness, inspiring individuals to tap into their innate potential for inner peace and transformation.